HCV Genotype Primer Kit
HCV GENOTYPE Primer Kit based on RT-PCR
Reagent for Research Purpose

This kit determines HCV genotypes by simply electrophoresing HCV core region genes of type-specific sequence length amplified by Reverse-Transcription Polymerase Reaction (RT-PCR) and features accurate and simple determination of HCV genotypes.
- PurposeHCV Genotype Determination Kit for Research Purpose
- FeaturesAccurate and simple determination of HCV genotypes Amplifies cDNA by RT-PCR using HCV genotype-specific primers HCV-RNA genotypes can be determined by the electrophoresis patterns
- Product NameHCV Genotype Primer Kit
- Product Code / Package8C01 50 tests
- JAN Code
- References
- Okamoto H, et al: Typing hepatitis C virus by polymerase chain reaction with type-specific primers: application to clinical surveys and tracing infectious sources. Journal of General Virology 73: 673-679, 1992.
- Okamoto H, et al, Full-length sequence of a hepatitis C virus genome having poor homology to reported isolates: comparative study of four distinct genotypes. Virology 188: 331-341, 1992.
- Kanai K, et al, HCV genotypes in chronic hepatitis C and response to interferon. Lancet 339: 1543, 1992.
- Okamoto H, et al, Characterization of the genomic sequence of type V (or 3a) hepatitis C virus isolates and PCR primers for specific detection. Journal of General Virology 74: 2385-2390, 1993.